Account Schedules

On the Panoramic Power software, you can set up and view schedules defined for your account, and learn which ones are being used by each site. 

You can use account schedules to:

  • Define working-hours and off-hours for your sites.

  • Later use the defined working-hours and off-hours as a layer on your time-view application, and additionally on reports and Triggers defined for your account.

Another use of schedules is for a specific period of time (for example, to set up a weekly maintenance timeframe for a site). Such schedules are commonly used when defining Triggers that alert you when certain devices onsite are operating during the defined timeframe when they shouldn't, or when they should be operating during this timeframe and they don't.

To view a list of your account schedules, go to your settings at the top right of the screen, and then open the Schedules section of the Account Settings screen.